Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Two weeks before Thanksgiving I was able to grab an early issue for December at Pottery Barn. I squealed with delight and held my composure not to look at it on the way home with T.  Later on in the evening I busted out the issue in one of my favorite spots at home (my comfy new bed). My eyes immediately spotted this darling mat.

I knew I had to have it. A few more squeals and jumps (Poor T. He married an adult Mabel from Gravity Falls) and I was off on the phone trying to order this baby for around 30 bucks. I started with my local PB only to be shot down that they did not have them in-store (Jerks! Something so cute. Why not!). So my next stop was online only to find them sold out. UGH! I had done enough squealing and jumping that I was determined to get what I wanted. 

And I did. I made it my own damn self. I used the following materials:

Spray paint
and my Silhouette Cameo to cut out the letters

I just took a sheet of regular cardstock and lined it up to create a border. Next I cut out the letters and spray painted them on the mat. It seemed a little scary at first. But as you can see it came out beautifully.

Take a look at them side by side....

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